Nu judec, nu presupun, nu te influentez. Sunt 100% prezenta langa tine sa te ajut sa iti atingi obiectivul si mai ales sa te bucuri de calatorie!
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Even though to most psychologist, the Zeigarnik Effect is rather familiar, to most of us it is a strange concept. This effect states that we regret most what we did not do during this lifetime, rather than a bad decision we took.
This is mostly because, when we do not do something, we do not realise our ambitions, intentions or goals, which means we have failed to fulfill our desires.
So, let’s take a moment and ask a series of questions meant to understand what is that that you regret.
The now is a very powerful concept, but rather hard to grasp for someone who is in the turmoil of suffering. It is important that when those bad thoughts creep in your mind to pay attention to them, and gently stir the direction towards your own intentions towards the present.
How come most of our takes on New Year’s Resolutions are self-indulging delusions?
Without sounding rather harsh...I will have to point at our declared commitment towards our New Year's Resolutions. It seems to me that at the turning point of the clocks on New Years Eve, we are swept into “the fresh start effect” fever, which can turn against us when it comes to actually committing to our promises.
So, in order to help my audience live through their self-promises, I have made a list of tips on the subject.